We will help your local business get more sales by reducing the 'busy' work for your employees.

Is 30 minutes of your time a fair trade for increasing sales in your business in the next month and beyond?

Book Your

Free Strategy Session


Understanding your business helps us choose strategies and systems to make progress now.

Just like a doctor won't prescribe a treatment without an assessment, we won't sell a solution without finding out where and if we can help you make more revenue.

In our no obligation strategy session we will help you identify:

1) What is working

2) What you've tried that hasn't worked as well

3) Where improvements can be made quickly

Sales don't happen by accident.

The results you have now are based on the systems you are currently using.

We work to give our business customers

every (unfair) advantage in keeping existing customers while increasing the change of closing new ones.

To make this happen on repeat we introduced the 6C Client Acquisition Framework.

  • Step 1: Clarity - Get clarity on your client + your business.

  • Step 2: Connect - Learn how to connect with customers more often on repeat.

  • Step 3: Captivate - Channel that attention to create more potential sales opportunities.

  • Step 4: Close - Keep it simple for your ideal customers to buy from you.

  • Step 5: Cultivate - Grow that relationship so you can sell to them again.

  • Step 6: Champion - Turn your best customers into your cheerleaders using referral marketing

For a local business, every time the phone rings and you don't answer,

that sale often goes to your competition. It's just one of many things we look for.

We are in the business of helping you make more sales by adopting

cutting edge strategies, technology and best practices

that more than pay for themselves.

Meet The Team

Meet Lee and Phil, the dynamic co-founders of The Business Launch Network, your local allies in the global tech game.

From our home base in Kitimat, BC, we're on a mission to help 20,000 local businesses thrive over the next five years.


By helping build recurring revenue systems and leveling the playing field of Software and Technology world for local businesses.

It is our intention to:

  • Build long term relationships by helping your business keep more of the sales they should have.

  • Provide much more than just advice. As Recurring Revenue Strategists we provide a comprehensive system that enhances what you already are doing.

  • Supercharge your business with additional processes that will bring more sales and put you ahead of the competition.

  • We dig deep into the finer details - those overlooked elements that can make the difference between mediocre and magnificent.

The world keeps changing, are you ready to take on more customers this month or will you let them go to the competition?

Hear From Our Clients

Testimonial #1

Testimonial #2

Testimonial #3

Limited Spots Available

At this time we have the capacity for 50 folks at our weekly events.

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